Did you know that in well aerated, oxygen rich soils certain aerobic bacteria will take atmospheric Nitrogen and convert it to Nitrogen plants can use.
In compacted or wet and saturated soils where oxygen is low, anaerobic bacteria will reverse the process and take soil nitrogen and convert it to atmospheric nitrogen.
It is important to maintain well-drained and aerated soils so nitrogen is naturally present in the soil.
Did you know honey bees do not see the color red. They do not have a photoreceptor for that color. If you are planting flowers to attract honey bees, remember they only see 6 colors – all within the ultraviolet range to include yellow (though not well) – blues – violets – and greens range. Most can also see white.
So how do bees find nectar in red flowers. The flower itself often has a road map imprinted on the petals that is invisible to humans. This map can be seen in ultraviolet light that bees can see.
Fun Fact: Bentgrass is a wonderful grass, is cut extremely short, and is the one of the deciding factors between an average golf course and a fantastic one. Did you know that Bentgrass, used on golf greens, does not have the ability under normal conditions to endure high summer heat, especially in the south. Not without being micro-managed. Yet, it is used on golf greens. Why??
Golf greens are high maintenance and receive attention on a daily basis. In summer they can get attention several times a day. This extreme attention to detail by experienced turf managers is why it is used on greens and why it can survive where it was never intended to be grown.