We have just gotten in our last shipment of the year of 5 Star Turf Type Tall Fescue grass seed. It is mid-October and there is still time to plant cool season grass. It is a high quality professional grass seed that produces a dark green, low growing Turf-Type Tall Fescue turf. We have plenty but it is going fast.
If you have any questions about our seed, please let me know. We will have more seed in early spring.
There is no substitute for a beautiful looking lawn. It raises home values and looks incredible.
The best time to plant 5 Star Tall Fescue is in the fall. The second best time is in the spring. Cool season grasses need the fall to start growing, over-winter and then finish growing in the spring so it develops deep roots to withstand the summer heat.
If you plant in the spring, be sure not to use any pre-emergents or it won’t germinate. Plant as soon as the soil temps reach 55 degrees.