Deadline to register for Introductory Certificate is December 31.
GreenKeeper University is an online educational program that offers courses in the field of turfgrass science, diving deep into information over the course of three to twelve weeks. The professors explain advanced topics and students can interact with other learners and the instructors. The content is a mix of self-paced video lectures, short reading, and live ZOOM meeting with the instructors.
Introductory Certificate
Superintendent Scott Denil of Pine Meadow Golf Club (Mundelein, IL) earned a GreenKeeper University Diploma. Here, he’s using the Web Soil Survey as part of his online coursework for Dr. Soldat’s Turf Soil Management course.
Comprehensive introductory 12-week online schools are taught by university turfgrass scientists and educators. This program first launched as the Great Lakes School of Turf Sciences and is now expanding beyond the Midwest. It provides participants with the science-based principles needed to effectively manage turf for recreation, sport, aesthetics and environmental protection. It’s recommended for:
Those new to the turfgrass industry
Technical representatives from industry wanting to update their knowledge
Those with experience in the industry wanting to review and update their practices
The “Great Lakes School of Turfgrass Science: Cool-Season Lawns/Grounds/Sports” runs from January 9 to March 31, 2023. The registration deadline is December 31, 2022. Students will have access to the course and materials at their convenience during the period via a class management system. The fee for the course is $550, which includes supplemental materials and a certificate after successful completion of the program.
Earn Your Diploma
The Advanced course offerings in GreenKeeper University are led by educators, researchers, and experts in their respective fields. Nine of the seventeen different Advanced course will be taught in 2023. These course are three to nine weeks in length and are a mix of recorded lectures and live discussion sections.
Dr. Paul Koch
Diseases of Cool-Season Turf – Dr. Paul Koch – 1/30 to 3/10
Integrated Pest Management – Dr. Jim Kerns – 1/9 to 2/17
Mastering Management and Communication – Michael Morris, CGCS – 1/9 to 2/17
Precision Turf Management – Drs. Bill Kreuser & Michael Carlson – 1/30 to 3/10
Programming PGRs – Dr. Bill Kreuser – 1/9 to 1/27
Dr. Doug Soldat
Turfgrass Drainage – Dr. Alec Kowalewski – 2/20 to 3/10
Turfgrass Irrigation – Dr. Doug Soldat – 1/30 to 2/17
Understanding and Using Soil Testing – Dr. Doug Soldat – 1/9 to 1/27
Weed ID and Control – Dr. Aaron Patton – 1/9 to 3/10
Each course is worth one to three badges depending on course duration. Three weeks of instruction is worth one badge. Earn 18 of the available 28 badges to receive a GreenKeeper University Diploma in Turfgrass Science and Management.
GreenKeeper’s vision is to transform how the turf industry makes daily decisions as we discover and share research with the world. GreenKeeper App is a decision support tool designed exclusively for the turfgrass industry. GreenKeeper University is an online educational program that offers courses in the field of turfgrass science. It is an educational option intended for people who want a more in-depth training than is traditionally offered by short courses or other non-degree options. Read the course descriptions, and and register for the 2023 offerings at or at
Read the full article “Registration Open For GreenKeeper Turfgrass Education Courses” on Turf Magazine.